Ai-Ai, Captain

Dear Erin,

Sorry I haven’t posted in a bit - I got stuck. I am wearing a few different hats right now as things settle for me in my “semi-retired / gig work / third act” professional life and, to be honest, I’ve had a hard time keeping my various pursuits separate and distinct.

As you are someone constantly juggling multiple gigs, choreo jobs, performances, classes, and your office work, you are my superhero!! I don’t know how you do it. Just watching you perform two weekends ago in three separate dances - all amazing, and all entirely different, was inspiring. It can be done!!

Or can it, for us mere mortals? I dunno. I needed some help.

Here’s the thing: I have three separate blogs, all with different audiences, purposes, points of view, styles… but all written by me. Whenever I sat down to write something, I couldn’t remember what voice I was supposed to be using or what topic I should address. I needed a map. A cheat sheet.

Turns out, at the same time I have been trying to figure out how to use AI for something more than just plopping some writing into the chat bar and asking the software to spit out a better version. After an inspiring podcast or two, I decided to give my little Large Language Model-based buddy something different. I typed in exactly what I wanted each of the blogs to do, what audiences, etc. and asked that the GPT to return to me a table with all the relevant aspects of a good blog and within each aspect specific characteristics for each of the three blogs.

Hit send.

In less time than it took to reheat my pasta in the microwave, I had a neat, three-column table listing 10 attributes for a good blog and recommendations for each attribute for each of my three well-defined blogs. And… it was pretty good! Voice, topics, cadence, length, style, pictures, tone…

Could I have done it myself? Yeah, probably. It wasn’t rocket science. But it literally took seconds and gave me as output exactly what I had expected to spend the night creating. That was the first time I used AI for anything that called for any amount of analysis and I was impressed.

Expect me to say more about this going forward as I experiment with how AI can be specifically relevant to nonprofit management.

In the meantime, know that my chatbot told me that I only should post once a month on this blog, otherwise I would come off as an overwhelming mother. Ha!! I pushed back and said ”how about twice a month?” The chatbot relented and said that would be okay as long as I wasn’t pushy. But no more than twice a month!! (I told it that the blog P.O.V. was a mom writing business advice to her daughter, so I guess it leaned into the wealth of information available on the internet of overbearing moms.)

It also said that the pictures I use for the blog should be hand drawn to demonstrate warmth and a personal touch. Hmmm. That’s not my forte.

Ok, well, here goes.

I hope you like the picture. I’ll be back atcha you in two weeks!!! (If that feels pushy, LMK and I’ll back off and go with monthly!)




Idea vs Algorithm


Admin Monday